Youth Messages

Bold Identity
Detailed Descriptions

Explore the life of Peter and learn to live in a new Bold Identity that comes from following Jesus.

Boldly Following

Trusting God

How do we follow God when we can’t see exactly where He’s leading us, and He just asks us to trust Him? What can we do with our questions and fears? Just like Peter, God invites us to trust Him with our lives, our burdens, our fears, and our confusion. As we learn to trust Him, He gives us His peace that is beyond human understanding. He shows us that He walks with us even when the path seems dark. Step by step He lights our way.

Boldly Different

Being Salty

How can we live and share our faith in a “salty” way, so others will thirst to know and love God? We get rid of sin, spend time with God, choose not to fear, practice what we preach, dare to care, and choose not to be too salty. As we, like Peter, love God and love others in a “salty” way, others, too, will choose to love God and others. Different can be good!among us, making dry places vibrant with life and growth.

Boldly Shining

Being a Light

God calls us to be like lights, shining for Him. He shows us how to do this by inviting us to plug into the power source by drawing near to God, keep our lights switched on by holding on to hope, and brighten others’ lives by encouraging one another. We learn along with Peter how to let God’s light shine in us and through us, to express His love to the world.

Boldly Restored

Loved by God

God’s original plan was for us to be whole, but sin ruined the plan and brought brokenness. Our solution is to try to protect ourselves by building walls and hiding or attacking. God’s solution is to restore our wholeness through Jesus Christ. Peter experienced this brokenness when he denied Jesus. Like Peter, God invites us to come to Him in our brokenness, receive His love and forgiveness, and pour out His love to others.

Boldly Revolutionary

Revolutionary Love

Jesus calls us to a Love Revolution characterized by justice, kindness, and humility. Justice does what is right and advocates for what is right to be done to others, with no corruption. Kindness shows genuine mercy and compassion even to those who don’t deserve it. Walking humbly with God means faithfully serving Him and others. Instead of attacking or canceling people who hold to ideas that are different to ours, we bless them with God’s revolutionary love.

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