Messages: Loving God & Others

Loving God:
The Gift of Tears
Detailed Descriptions

Revolutionize your life by loving God and walking humbly with Him, even in your tears

The Gift of Tears: An Invitation to Experience Tears as a Blessing

Psalm 126:5-6

God encourages us to experience tears as a blessing, not a burden, and to thank Him for our tears. He invites us to be honest with Him about our pain and our struggles, to stand firm in our suffering, and to accept His healing. When we trust Him, He gives us His perspective on the gift of our tearful times so we can see the beauty He is creating.

Tears of Joy:
Joy In All Weather

Psalm 16:8-11

How do we grow closer to God whatever the weather in our souls? In sunny times He reminds us that full joy is found only in Him. When clouds of boredom, busyness or worry engulf us, he invites us to let Him dispel those clouds. When problems rain down on us, He calls us into thankfulness. And when storms overwhelm us, He offers to turn our bitterness into praise. No matter the weather, God invites us into His presence to find fullness of joy.

Tears of Wholeness:
Loved By God

Luke 15:11-31

At times we wonder if God really loves us in spite of our failures. God’s original plan was for us to be whole, but sin ruined the plan and brought brokenness. Our solution is to try to protect ourselves by building walls and hiding or attacking, but God’s solution is to restore our wholeness through Jesus Christ. God invites us to come to Him, receive His love, and rest in his arms. As we trust in Him, He fills our lives with His love that overflows to others.

Tears of Trust:
Trusting God When It’s Hard

Proverbs 3:5-6

How do we trust God when life is hard and we don’t understand what He is doing? What can we do with our questions and fears? God invites us to trust Him with our lives, our burdens, our fears, and our confusion. As we learn to trust Him, He gives us His peace that is beyond human understanding. He shows us that He walks with us even when the path seems dark. Step by step He lights our way.

Tears of Peace:
What To Do About Worry

Matthew 6:25-34

Worry steals our peace, but God invites us to trust Him with our worries. We can trust Him and not worry because He cares for us, He cares for our loved ones, He cares for our finances and work, and He cares for our future. God offers us this equation as a cure for worry: Prayer + Praise = Peace. The antidote to worry is worship!

Tears of Perseverance:
Persevering Under Pressure

Hebrews 12:1-3

Some days we feel weary. We struggle to keep running because we feel overwhelmed with stress or uncertainty. No matter what is happening in our life, God urges us to keep running the race marked out for us without losing heart. Hebrews 12:1-3 offers encouragement and challenge for how to persevere under pressure by getting rid of hindrances, by not quitting, and by keeping our eyes on Jesus.

Tears of Growth: How’s Your Heart?

Mark 4:1-20

God invites us to examine the soil of our hearts to see where there is hardness, where we are shriveling in despair, where we are distracted, and where we are abundantly receptive, growing, and fruitful. He urges us to prepare for a season of great refreshing and growth ahead. He is doing a new thing among us, making dry places vibrant with life and growth.

Loving Others:
The Love Revolution
Detailed Descriptions

Revolutionize your world by loving others with justice, kindness, and humility

Revolutionary Love

1. The Love Revolution:
A Call to Justice, Kindness & Humility

Micah 6:8

God calls us to a Love Revolution characterized by justice, kindness, and humility. Justice does what is right and advocates for what is right to be done to others, with no corruption. Kindness shows genuine mercy and compassion even to those who don’t deserve it. Walking humbly with God means faithfully serving Him and others. Instead of attacking or canceling people who hold to ideas that are different to ours, we bless them with God’s revolutionary love.

2. The Heart of the Father

1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Our Heavenly Father loves us more deeply than any earthly father ever could. He desires that we receive and radiate His heart of love. In 1 Thessalonians 2, we learn to love others with transparency and integrity like a young child, with a caring heart and hands like a nursing mother, and with exhorting words like an encouraging father. With God’s heart, we can love others with His deep love and draw them to Him.

3. If Not “Eye for Eye,” Then What?

Matthew 5:38-48

God calls us to a love revolution that embraces not only justice, but also kindness and humility. Justice says, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Give others what they deserve. Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.” But Jesus invites us to love our enemies by choosing kindness and humility when we are hurt, when we are taken from, when we are forced, and when we are used. This kind of revolutionary love overcomes evil with good.

Revolutionary Prayer

1. Revolutionary Prayer: How to Change Your World

Matthew 6:5-15

Our prayers are often a quick list of things we want from God. But God invites us to join His Micah 6:8 Love Revolution through “The Lord’s Prayer.” Praying with a posture of humility, we simply stand, hold God’s hand, raise our arms in praise, and kneel in submission. Praying for provision through kindness, we open our hands to receive and give, and open our hearts to be forgiven and forgive. And praying for protection from injustice, we flee temptation and stand against the enemy. God wants to revolutionize our prayers and use us to change our world.

2. FHL Prayers: Praying with Faith, Hope, and Love

Matthew 7:6-12

God invites us to pray with Faith, Hope, and Love (FHL). Praying with Faith means our roots are in the right place and we are not invested in useless things. Praying with Hope gives us wings so we believe God can and will answer when we ask, seek, and knock. Praying with Love means we are in a loving relationship with God and others. In answer to our FHL prayers, God will do impossible things by the power of His Spirit.

Revolutionary Outreach

1. Courage for the Call

1 Samuel 3:1-21

God encourages us to walk in His courage even when life is difficult. Through Samuel’s example in 1 Samuel 3, we see that God gives us courage to face each situation we encounter: courage to listen to Him, courage to go where He sends us without avoidance or excuses, and courage to fearlessly speak whatever He gives us to say. As we courageously follow God, others, too, will choose to follow Him in courage and love.

2. How to Be Salty

Colossians 4:2-6

How can we live and share our faith in a “salty” way, so others will thirst to know and love God? We pray for open doors, rid our lives of sin, and spend time with God. We pray for boldness and clarity, choosing not to fear. We act wisely and practice what we preach. We seize opportunities and choose not to be complacent. We speak graciously, not “pouring out” too much. As we love God and love others in a “salty” way, others, too, will choose to love God and others.

3. Hope for Our City

Isaiah 62:1-12

In the brokenness of our city, God offers hope. He calls us to believe He has great things in store for our city. Because of our hope for what He will do, we are not silent to injustice, we receive a new name, we watch and pray, and we build up our city. He is raising us up to be a people of prayer and power to stand for Him and declare His holiness and justice, that the world may see and know that He is God, that He is good, and His ways are right and good. And they will walk in His love.

4. Who Cares? A Call to Love People in Need

Isaiah 58:6-12

God invites us to love Him with our hearts and with our obedience. He calls us to rise up from our knees before Him and kneel to serve the poor, the needy, and the distressed. As we kneel to serve them, we serve Him. One way we love people in need is through practical help. To do this we need to consider what help we can give, how we can help, and why we should help. We also love people in need through genuine acceptance, turning toward them in kindness and blessing them with loving words.

5. Women at Risk in Central Asia

Isaiah 61:1-3

Women and girls in Central Asia face many risks, some of which are unheard of in North America. Girls are at risk from bride kidnapping, which is still practiced in some countries. Both women and girls are at risk from human trafficking. Natural disasters are a risk for many families. God invites us to pray for safety, freedom, and restoration for these women and girls, to learn more about the issues they face, and to ask Him how we can practically reach out to them in love.

Revolutionary Leadership

1. The Gracious Hand of God on Leaders

Ezra 7, 8

We, like the prophet Ezra, can experience God’s gracious hand on us in our leadership. Prerequisites for experiencing His gracious hand on us are knowing Him and His Word, fasting and praying, and trusting Him more than trusting others. Signs of His gracious hand on us are finding favor with our leaders, gathering and trusting people to lead, and successfully arriving at our destination.

2. Dealing with Divisions

1 Corinthians 3:1-15

How do we prevent divisions and deal with current divisions in our churches and relationships? In 1 Corinthians 3 we find that to deal with divisions we need unity through faithfulness to Christ, unity through equality in Christ, and unity through lasting work for Christ. When unity is strengthened in these ways, divisions will dissipate and even disappear. God’s love unites us!

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